@ben thank you - I’ve never heard of this.

@hutaffe Grey has mentioned thinking on his theme early in the year - I think he mentioned in September or so (because of his time as a teacher).

I usually start thinking on my theme in early December but that doesn’t always help 🙃

@mandaris apparently someone likes to adorably push boundaries.

@lmika what is your opinion on Vivaldi vs. Brave (if you have one). I’ve been using Firefox for years but I occasionally need to test a site with the Blink rendering engine.

Don’t know if it makes a difference with how rarely I need to use it, though.

@manton I use Day One and really like it because of the ease of integrating images and other media (plus the weather and other metadata).

I have a Keyboard Maestro macro that exports the entire Day One archive to JSON (which includes attachments) that I run weekly.